The beginning of a new year really does give us an opportunity to kick start changes in our lifestyle. No excuses, the overindulgence of Christmas has passed and it’s time to get serious about your health.
A resolution to be healthier is one of the most important steps you can take. This might include losing a few pounds, reducing your intake of alcohol, or getting fitter.
When you put your health as a top priority you will achieve your goals
Too many people go on faddy diets, thinking there is a quick way to become a few sizes smaller. These usually fail quickly, and you become despondent.
Why? Because your resolutions are not serious or geared to your health.
Let’s think about this! If you are overweight, unfit, and consuming too much alcohol, what is happening to your body, your heart, your organs, and your brain?
Do you really want to cut years off your life? Sounds harsh doesn’t it! But this is the reality.
Unless you act, you will increase your chances of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and get depressed. How much more of an incentive do you need?
Everything is possible when you take positive steps forward.

Here are a few tips to kick start your healthy 2023 journey.
Weight loss and gentle exercise tips that work
A simple plan to lose just five to ten percent of your body weight can help avoid health issues.
- WHY do you want to lose weight? In our article on New Year’s Resolutions, reasons behind setting your goals are fundamental – i.e., better health, a beach holiday, a wedding. Your WHY is so important. Although, what could be more important than your health?
- Make healthy food choices. Be conscious of what you are eating and drinking. If you continue to drink sweet fizzy drinks, even if they are “diet” drinks you will do long term damage to your health. Choose lean meats, eat high fibre foods that will keep you full longer. Don’t buy packaged, processed ready-made meals. They are full of additives that will damage your health.
- Menu plan. As well as making healthy food choices, be conscious of what you are buying in the supermarket. Plan your menu for the week ahead and buy your shopping in line with your plan. Not only will you save money, but you will also make healthy meals and not be tempted to grab something ready-made when you are in a rush.
- Smaller plates and smaller portions. Often, we eat as habit. We pile our plates up with food because that’s what we have always done. Reprogramme your brain and habits, reduce your plate size and reduce your portions. You will soon adapt and eat less.
- Eat breakfast. A healthy breakfast is the most important meal of your day. If you think about WHY this is important you will be more inclined to take breakfast seriously. Breakfast kick starts your day and replenishes the supply of glucose which boosts energy as well as starting your day with nutrients required for your health. Diets that encourage skipping breakfast are not helpful as you end up eating more at lunch time and are tempted to grab biscuits or chocolate before you even reach lunch.
- Drink more water. Drinking a glass of water before each meal will fill you up and stop you eating too much. Generally, make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated. Often when you think you are hungry you are just thirsty. Remember this when you reach for a biscuit and consciously have a glass of water instead.
- Move! Move more and sit less. Physical exercise is key to helping you shed some pounds and keep them off. Make a simple plan to walk briskly for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Park further away from the entrance to the supermarket. Take the stairs rather than the escalator.
- Exercise from the couch! If you have mobility issues, you are house bound or must sit at work, you can still exercise.
Work your legs
- Whilst sitting, raise your left leg straight up and squeeze your thigh muscles – hold the position for a count of 10 then lower your leg. Now do the same with your right leg. Repeat 5 times.
- Sit on the edge of your couch or chair with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your toes toward the ceiling and hold for 30 seconds and feel the stretch in your calf muscles. Repeat 5 times.
Stretch your upper body
- Whilst seated, tighten your stomach muscles, and slowly rotate your torso to the left and then to the right, keeping your hips and legs facing forward, so you are only moving your torso. Repeat 10 times.
- Remain seated, keep your back straight, pull together your shoulder blades. Be aware of your posture and don’t shrug. Hold this position for ten seconds and repeat 10 times.
Work your hands and arms
- Squeeze a small foam ball in your left hand for 30 seconds and then repeat with your right hand.
- Stand up and put your arms straight out to the sides and slowly move them in big circles for 30 seconds, rest and reverse the direction of the circles. Repeat 10 times.
Get up and march around
- If you can move around, get up and move. March around the house taking lunges – it might feel weird, but you are getting the blood flowing.
Think about it, if you were on a long-haul flight you would get up and stretch your legs and your body. You may be sitting every day for more hours than that long haul flight!
2023 your year to get active and get healthy!